Payment processor with work flow state machine using Data using AWS S3, Lambda Functions, Step Functions and DynamoDB.

The original post is on GitHub at location –

This article shows how to use these AWS services – S3, Lambda Functions, Step Functions, API Gateway and DynamaDB to process a payment.


  • For the Billling and Payment process, a file is placed/updated in S3 everyday for customers whose Bill is due/pending and
  • Next, this Bills Due file is processed by a Lambda Function to update the information in a DynamoDB table and
  • Next, on the Billings Website, a customer retrives his bill by entering his Invoice ID and makes a payment and
  • Next, the payment is processed and Balance is updated to zero and
  • Finally, a text or email alert is sent to customer confirming his payment

Lets tabulate the steps as below:

Steps Actions
Prerequisite Generate the ‘Bills Due’ file for specific day
S3 Create a S3 bucket and upload the ‘Bills Due’ file
DynamoDB Create a table to store ‘Bills Due’
Lambda Functions Create functions to update DynamoDB database with ‘Bills Due’ info, email and text alert, process payment etc
Step Function Create a Step function to create a work flow which will process the payment and send email/text alert
API Gateway create a managed API Gateway service to expose endpoints to getBalance and processPaymentFlow Lambda functions

Prerequisite – Generate the ‘Bills Due’ file for specific day

  • I am using an arbitrary logic to generate the file.
  • Once generated, the file will look like below Payment Balance CSV file
  • Here is the code for the file(
  # Prerequisites: Please install the following before genarating the file.
  # install pip and dependencies
  # sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
  # install names 
  # pip install names
  import names
  import random
  import os

  dirName = 'logs';
  if not os.path.exists(dirName):

  filePath = dirName + '/paymentbalance.csv';
  with open(filePath, 'w+') as outfile:
      numRows = range(1,1001)
      strRow = ''
      for numRow in numRows:
          strRow = str(numRow) + ',' + names.get_full_name(gender='female') + ',' + str(random.randint(500, 900)) + ',0'
          outfile.write(strRow + '\n')

  print('Please check the file at path:' + os.path.abspath(filePath));            
  • Now save and execute the above python file( will generate a csv file ‘paymentbalance.csv’ in logs folder):

S3 – Create a S3 bucket and upload the ‘Bills Due’ file

  • Create a bucket name – any universally unique name is okay.
    • Lets create a bucket named – nm-payment-balance**
    • Please see the snapshot below Creating Bucket Snap 01

Lambda | Create a Lambda function with a trigger which gets invokes as a file is uplaoded to S3

  • Create the follwing Lambda Functions – .

      1. –
        • This lambda function will have a trigger associated on bucket nm-payment-balance
        • Once the file ‘paymentbalance.csv’ is uploaded to the vucket, this lambda function will read the file and update the info in a DunamoDB table ‘PaymentBalance’
    • Here is the code as below:

      import boto3
      import csv 
      import json
      s3 = boto3.client('s3')
      dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')
      def handler(event, context):
          # Get the object from the event then download it to Lambda tmp space
          bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
          key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
          if '.csv' not in key:
              return 'Not a csv that needs processing'
          s3.download_file(bucket, key, '/tmp/' + key)
          # Use DynamoDB atomic counters to tally visits in csv
          with open('/tmp/' + key, 'r') as infile:
              first_line = infile.readline()
              for row in infile:
                  ddb_InvoiceId = row.strip().split(',')[0]
                  ddb_CustomerName = row.strip().split(',')[1]
                  ddb_Balance = row.strip().split(',')[2]
                  ddb_Processed = row.strip().split(',')[3]
                  response = dynamodb.update_item(
                              'InvoiceID': {'N': ddb_InvoiceId}
                          UpdateExpression='set Balance=:balance, IsProcessed=:processed, CustomerName=:customerName',
                              ':balance': {'N': ddb_Balance},
                              ':processed': {'N': ddb_Processed},
                              ':customerName': {'S': str(ddb_CustomerName)}
      1. getBalance.js –
        • This lambda function reads a record from DynamoDB table ‘PaymentBalance’ and returns the document/row.
        • This function is called from the web form to return the bill due details based on a specific Invoice Id entered by user on the form
      • Here is the code as below:
        'use strict';
        var AWS = require("aws-sdk");
        AWS.config.update({region: "us-east-1"});
        var db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
        module.exports.get = (event, context, callback) => {
            const data = event.queryStringParameters;
            const params = {
                TableName: "PaymentBalance",
                Key: {
                  InvoiceID: parseInt(data.InvoiceID)
            db.get(params, (err, result) => {
                if (err) {
                    const errorResponse = {
                        statusCode: err.statusCode || 501,
                        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'},
                        body: JSON.stringify('Sorry, Cound not get the item for:' + data.InvoiceID),
                    callback(null, errorResponse);
                const successResponse = {
                    statusCode: 200,
                    body: "Retrieved Item successfully. " + JSON.stringify(result),
                callback(null, successResponse);
    1. –
      • This lambda function takes the inputs from the user and posts the payment and updates the ‘PaymentBalance’ table.
      • Although in a real environment a third party payment service will be called and based on the results from that service the ‘PaymentBalance’ table will be updated
      • Here we are assuming the payment is processed by third party and we have to only uodated the table by setting = balance = 0 and isprocessed = 1
      • Here is the code as below:
        import boto3
        import csv 
        import json
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
        dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')
        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            # assuming the payment was process by a third party after passing payment info securily and encrypted.
            # another lambda function can handle the real payment processing via a third party
            invoiceId = event['InvoiceID']
            billerName = event['BillersName']
            # manually seeting balance as 0 and isprocessed as 1 simulate as if a payment was done.
            balance = 0
            isprocessed = 1
            response = dynamodb.update_item(
                    'InvoiceID': {'N': invoiceId}
                UpdateExpression='set Balance=:balance, IsProcessed=:processed, CustomerName=:customerName',
                    ':balance': {'N': str(balance)},
                    ':processed': {'N': str(isprocessed)},
                    ':customerName': {'S': str(billerName)}
            return event;
    1. –
      • This lambda function will be used to send to process emails after the payment is posted.

      • ‘event’ object returns the BilliAmount, BillerName, InvoiceID etc

      • The function used SES function ‘send_email’ to send emails


        • Since the Non Prod SES is a Sanbox environment, onlt a verified email id can be used for source and destination for the emails
        • But on Prod environments no such email verification is needed
        • To verify an email go the the SES Dashboard and verify an email, a verification email will be sent and once you click on the verification link then the email gets verified.
        • See snapshot below. Email Verification Snapshot
      • Here is the code as below:

        import boto3
        VERIFIED_EMAIL = ''
        ses = boto3.client('ses')
        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            email_subject = 'A payment of amount:' + event['BillingAmount'] + ' has been processed for Invoice Id:' + event['InvoiceID'] + '.'
            email_body = ' Mr./Ms. ' + event['BillersName'] + '\n Thank you, \n A payment of amount:' + event['BillingAmount'] + ' has been processed for Invoice Id:' + event['InvoiceID'] + '.'
                    'ToAddresses': [event['EmailId']]
                    'Subject': {'Data': email_subject},
                    'Body': {'Text' : {'Data': email_body }}
            return 'Success!'
    1. –
      • This lambda function will be used to send to process texts after the payment is posted.
      • ‘event’ object returns the BilliAmount, BillerName, InvoiceID etc
      • The function uses SNS function ‘publish’ to send emails
      • Here is the code as below:
        import boto3
        sns = boto3.client('sns')
        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            sns_msg = 'A payment of amount:' + event['BillingAmount'] + ' has been processed for Invoice Id:' + event['InvoiceID'] + '.'
            sns.publish(PhoneNumber=event['PhnNumber'], Message=sns_msg)
            return 'Success!'
    1. –
      • This lambda function will used to validate the input from the web form.
        • If the data posted is invalid then this function returns an error back to the form as response
        • If thee data is valid then it calles the STATE Machine/Step function
      • You must enter a valid Step Function ARN for this Lambda function to work
      • The function uses actually calls the Step function to call a series of other functions as workflow
      • The ‘start_execution’ function posts the input data to the function to process it.
      • Here is the code as below:
        import boto3
        import os
        import json
        import decimal
        # PLease replace with an actual Step function ARN as this ARN is a test URL
        ARN_OF_STATEMACHINE = 'arn:aws:states:us-east-1:1234567890:stateMachine:processPaymentMachine'
        sfn = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
        def lambda_handler(event, context):
            print('Processing the event:')
            data = json.loads(event['body'])
            data['WaitSeconds'] = int(data['WaitSeconds'])
            # Validation Check
            validationCheck = []
            validationCheck.append('WaitSeconds' in data)
            validationCheck.append(type(data['WaitSeconds']) == int)
            validationCheck.append('InvoiceID' in data)
            validationCheck.append('BillersName' in data)
            validationCheck.append('BillingAmount' in data)
            validationCheck.append('CardNumber' in data)
            validationCheck.append('ExpiryDate' in data)
            if data.get('Choices') == "both":
                validationCheck.append('EmailId' in data)
                validationCheck.append('PhnNumber' in data)
            elif data.get('Choices') == "email":
                validationCheck.append('EmailId' in data)
            elif data.get('Choices') == "text":
                validationCheck.append('PhnNumber' in data)
            # Check for any errors in validation validationCheck
            if False in validationCheck:
                response = {
                    "statusCode": 400,
                    "headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*"},
                    "body": json.dumps(
                            "Status": "Success", 
                            "Reason": "Sorry, please verify the data you posted and try again!!!"
                    input=json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder)
                response = {
                    "statusCode": 200,
                    "headers": {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*"},
                    "body": json.dumps(
                        {"Status": "Success"},
            return response
        # This is a workaround for:
        class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
            def default(self, obj):
                if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
                    return int(obj)
                return super(DecimalEncoder, self).default(obj)

Step Function | Create a Step function to create a work flow which will process the payment and send email/text alert

  • This step is the most important step in the this project
  • We will create a workflow using the workflow json which will govern how this steps fucntion/state engoine will move from one state to the to process and call other lambda functions.
  • You can visually see how the state flow looks like and if it succed it shows you the passed workflow else the fialed workflow.
  • The work flow starts with
    • ‘Wait’ state for 1 sec
    • Then it moves to ‘ProcessPayment’ state to process the payment
    • Then it moves to ‘ChoiceAlertState’ task to choice if we the user only wants email or text or both kind of alerts
    • In case of both email and text it enters in a ‘Parallel’ type state
    • Then it moves to ‘Finalstate’ state to process the payment and reach the end of the work flow
    • In case of any error it moves to state ‘DefaultState’ which is basically error state
  • Here is the workflow code for the step function:
        "Comment": "This state machine processes a payment and sends text/email alerts.",
        "StartAt": "Wait",
        "States": {
          "Wait": {
            "Type": "Wait",
            "SecondsPath": "$.WaitSeconds",
            "Next": "ProcessPayment"
          "ProcessPayment": {
            "Type" : "Task",
            "Resource": "ARN_OF_POSTPAYMENTS",
            "Next": "ChoiceAlertState"
          "ChoiceAlertState": {
            "Type" : "Choice",
            "Choices": [
                "Variable": "$.Choices",
                "StringEquals": "email",
                "Next": "ProcessEmails"
                "Variable": "$.Choices",
                "StringEquals": "text",
                "Next": "ProcessTexts"
                "Variable": "$.Choices",
                "StringEquals": "both",
                "Next": "ProcessEmailsandTextsBoth"
            "Default": "DefaultState"
          "ProcessEmails": {
            "Type" : "Task",
            "Resource": "ARN_OF_PROCESSEMAILS_FUNCTION",
            "Next": "FinalState"
          "ProcessTexts": {
            "Type" : "Task",
            "Resource": "ARN_OF_PROCESSTEXTS_FUNCTION",
            "Next": "FinalState"
          "ProcessEmailsandTextsBoth": {
            "Type": "Parallel",
            "Branches": [
                "StartAt": "ProcessEmailsParallel",
                "States": {
                  "ProcessEmailsParallel": {
                    "Type" : "Task",
                    "Resource": "ARN_OF_PROCESSEMAILS_FUNCTION",
                    "End": true
                "StartAt": "ProcessTextsParallel",
                "States": {
                  "ProcessTextsParallel": {
                    "Type" : "Task",
                    "Resource": "ARN_OF_PROCESSTEXTS_FUNCTION",
                    "End": true
            "Next": "FinalState"
          "DefaultState": {
            "Type": "Fail",
            "Error": "DefaultStateError",
            "Cause": "Error!"
          "FinalState": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true
  • Please see the snalshot of the State engione work flow. Create a Step function Details/Code of a Step function Executions of a Step function

API Gateway | create a managed API Gateway service to expose endpoints to getBalance and processPaymentFlow Lambda functions

  • The will have a child resource ID which will execute the ‘getBalance’ Lambda functions and takes INvoiceID as queryString.
  • Steps to create a API Gateway
    • Create a API name – PaymentProcessor
    • Create a Resource – paymentbalance
    • Create a method – POST – this method will call the postPayment Lambda Function
    • Create a child resource ID and then a GET method – this method will call the getBalance Lambda Function
    • Enable CORS for cross origin resource sharing
    • Deploy the API to a stage – e.g Prod
  • Please see the snapshot below. API Resource and Method creation for postPayment API Resource and Method creation for getBalance

DynamoDB | Once the file is getting processed keep writing and updating the data in a table

  • Create a DynamoDB table ‘PaymentBalance’ with Primary Key as ‘InvoiceID’ .
  • Please see the snapshot below. Creating Lambda Function Snap 03

the S3 website and how the customer submits a payment

  • Please upload the contents of the website folder to a S# bucket and configure it as a website.
  • The user first enters the ‘InvoiceID’ to retrive the bill details
  • Once the bill details( InvoiceID, BillersName, Amount Due) are retrived the user eneters the ceredit card into ans submits the data
    • A form with valid Bill due amount Weform with a valid payment due
    • A form with 0 Bill due amount Weform without a valid payment due
    • Code snippet for the HTML page
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
          <title>Payments Processor & Alerts Mgr</title>
          <!-- CSS Files References -->
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
          <link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet">

      Payments Processor & Alerts Mgr

      Enter the InvoiceID and click the Get Balance button to check your balance.

      InvoiceID Get Balance

      Please enter payment details to post payment.

      Billing Amount Billers Name Card Number Expiry Date Email Id Email me
      Phone Number Text me
      Post Payment

      </form> </div> <!-- JS Files References --> http://main.js </body> </html>
    • Code snippet for the JS file
      // Please enter the actual APIGATEWAYURL from the API Gateway Screen
      var APIGATEWAYURL = '';
      // setup divs for error, success and results
      var divError = document.getElementById('error-msg')
      var successDiv = document.getElementById('success-msg')
      var resultsDiv = document.getElementById('results-msg')
      var invoiceID = document.getElementById('InvoiceID')
      var billingAmount = document.getElementById('BillingAmount')
      var billersName = document.getElementById('BillersName')
      var cardNumber = document.getElementById('CardNumber')
      var expiryDate = document.getElementById('ExpiryDate')
      var emailId = document.getElementById('EmailId')
      var phnNumber = document.getElementById('PhnNumber')
      var emailChoice = document.getElementById('EmailChoice')
      var textChoice = document.getElementById('TextChoice')
      var postPaymentButton = document.getElementById('postPaymentButton')
      // setup functions to get the field data
      function getInvoiceID() { return invoiceID.value }
      function getBillingAmount() { return billingAmount.value }
      function getBillersName() { return billersName.value }
      function getCardNumber() { return cardNumber.value }
      function getExpiryDate() { return expiryDate.value }
      function getEmailId() { return emailId.value }
      function getPhnNumber() { return phnNumber.value }
      function getEmailChoice() { return emailChoice.value }
      function getTextChoice() { return textChoice.value }
      function clearMessageDivs(state) {
          // clear the error, sucess and results div to refresh the content
          divError.textContent = '';
          resultsDiv.textContent = '';
          successDiv.textContent = '';
          invoiceID.disabled = false;
          billersName.disabled = true;
          billingAmount.disabled = true;
          if(state == 'get'){
              cardNumber.disabled = false;
              expiryDate.disabled = false;
              emailId.disabled = false;
              phnNumber.disabled = false;
              emailChoice.disabled = false;
              textChoice.disabled = false;
              postPaymentButton.disabled = false;
              cardNumber.disabled = true;
              expiryDate.disabled = true;
              emailId.disabled = true;
              phnNumber.disabled = true;
              emailChoice.disabled = true;;
              textChoice.disabled = true;;
              postPaymentButton.disabled = true;
      // Add the click listeners for both buttons button that make the API request
      document.getElementById('getBalanceButton').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
          // prevent page reloading by  clear message Divs
          // Call the GET API service by Passing the InvoiceID
          fetch(APIGATEWAYURL+ '/paymentbalance/id?InvoiceID='+getInvoiceID(), {
                  "Content-type": "application/json"
              method: 'GET',
              mode: 'cors'
          .then((resp) => resp.json()) 
          .then(function(data) {
              successDiv.textContent = 'Please check your balance and make proper payment.';
              resultsDiv.textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
              invoiceID.value = data.Item.InvoiceID;
              billersName.value = data.Item.CustomerName;
              billingAmount.value = data.Item.Balance;
          .catch(function(err) {
              divError.textContent = 'Sorry, We could not pull your bill details:\n' + err.toString();
      document.getElementById('postPaymentButton').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
          // prevent page reloading by  clear message Divs
          var choices = "both"
          if (getEmailChoice() == '1' && getTextChoice() == '1')
              choices = "both"
          else if(getEmailChoice() == '1')
              choices = "email"
          else if(getEmailChoice() == '1')
              choices = "text"
          // Prepare the appropriate HTTP request to the API with fetch
          // update uses the /prometheon/id endpoint and requires a JSON payload
          fetch(APIGATEWAYURL+ '/paymentbalance', {
                  "Content-type": "application/json"
              method: 'POST',
              body: JSON.stringify({
                  'InvoiceID': getInvoiceID(),
                  'BillersName': getBillersName(),
                  'BillingAmount': getBillingAmount(),
                  'CardNumber': getCardNumber(),
                  'ExpiryDate': getExpiryDate(),
                  'EmailId': getEmailId(),
                  'PhnNumber': getPhnNumber(),
                  'Choices': choices,
                  'WaitSeconds': 10
              mode: 'cors'
          .then((resp) => resp.json()) 
          .then(function(data) {
              successDiv.textContent = 'Congratulations, Your payment has been posted and an email/SMS as chosen by you has been sent.';
              resultsDiv.textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
          .catch(function(err) {
              divError.textContent = 'Sorry, we could not process your payment request:\n' + err.toString();
    • For rest of the file details please see the website folder

Processing Data using AWS S3, Lambda Functions and DynamoDB

The original post is located here –

This article shows how to use there three AWS services – S3, Lambda and DynamaDB to process structured files.

The following steps would be needed to accomplish the objective:

  • First of all we will have salary data files for per month for a organisation containing Employee ID, Employee Name, Salary as the fields
  • Next, we will upload this file to S3.
  • Next, this will fire Lambda trigger event which will process the uploaded file.
  • Next, once the data is proccesed it will be stored in the database.

Lets tabulate the steps as below:

PrerequisiteGenerate the data files for 12 months for 100 employees
S3Create a S3 bucket to upload files
LambdaCreate a Lambda function with a trigger which gets invokes as a file is uplaoded to S3
DynamoDBOnce the file is getting processed keep writing and updating the data in a table

Prerequisite – Generate the data files for 12 months for 100 employees

  • Since we don’t have data files with us, let’s try to generate data files using a python sample code.
  • We would need some random names and random salary values to generate such a file.
  • Python ha these two libraries – names and random to genartes names and numbers.
  • We will have to install and import these packages first:
# **install pip and dependencies**
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
# **install names package**
pip install names 
# **install random package**
pip install random 
  • Here is the code for the file salary data generator file(
# **import the names package**
import names
# **import the randoms package**
import random

# **As we need to generate 12 months data lets create the range  - range(1,13)**
monthNumbers = range(1,13)
# **Iterate through the month numbers**
for monthNumber in monthNumbers:
    # **Open/create salarydata files to write the salary data**
    with open('logs/salarydata-' + str(monthNumber) + '.csv', 'w+') as outfile:
        # **Number of rows in each file - 100**
        numRows = range(1,101)
        # **Write the first line as header
        strRow = ''
        # **Iterate thrrough the row numbers to generate the rows
        for numRow in numRows:
            # **EmpID as concatenated string as str(monthNumber) + str(numRow)**
            # **EmpName as a random name using the names package - names.get_full_name(gender='male')**
            # **EmpSalary as random salary value between 5555 to 7777 - random.randint(5555, 7777)**
            # for even rows the name will be male else female
            if numRow % 2 == 0:
                strRow = str(monthNumber) + str(numRow) + ',' + names.get_full_name(gender='male') + ',' + str(random.randint(5555, 7777))
                strRow = str(monthNumber) + str(numRow) + ',' + names.get_full_name(gender='female') + ',' + str(random.randint(5555, 7777))
            outfile.write(strRow + '\n')

  • Now save and execute the above python file(

S3 Create a S3 bucket to upload

  • Create a bucket name – any universally unique name is okay.
    • Lets put the name as – S3BucketProcessSalaryData2019
  • Please see the snapshot below 

Lambda | Create a Lambda function with a trigger which gets invokes as a file is uplaoded to S3

  • Create a Lambda function named – process_slary_data.
    • Add a trigger to invoke on any item add to the above bucket
    • Add the function code as below:
# **import boto3, csv and json packages**
import boto3
import csv 
import json

# **generate variables for S3 and DynamoDB clients**
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')

# **The main lambda handler function**
def handler(event, context):
    # **get the bucket name and salary data file name as key**
    bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
    key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
    # **Dont process if the files does not have a .csv extn**
    if '.csv' not in key:
        return 'Please upload .csv files only.'
    if '.psv' in key:
        return 'This .psv file is already proccessed'
    # **download the .csv file to /tmp folder**
    s3.download_file(bucket, key, '/tmp/' + key)
    psvName = 'processed_' + key[0:-4] + '.psv'
    # Open the .csv file to process it, and upload the processed .psv file
    with open('/tmp/' + key, 'r') as infile, \
         open('/tmp/' + psvName, 'w') as outfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(infile)
        writer = csv.DictWriter(outfile, reader.fieldnames, delimiter='|')
    s3.upload_file('/tmp/' + psvName, bucket, psvName)
    # Use the DynamoDB atomic counters to add/update data in the DynamoDB
    with open('/tmp/' + key, 'r') as infile:
        first_line = infile.readline()
        for row in infile:
            ddb_empId = row.strip().split(',')[0]
            ddb_empName = row.strip().split(',')[1]
            ddb_empSalary = row.strip().split(',')[2]
            response = dynamodb.update_item(
                        'EmpID': {'N': ddb_empId},
                        'EmpName': {'S': ddb_empName},
                    UpdateExpression='ADD EmpSalary :empSalary',
                        ':empSalary': {'N': ddb_empSalary}
  • Please see the snapshot below  

DynamoDB | Once the file is getting processed keep writing and updating the data in a table

  • Create a DynamoDB table ‘EmployeeSalary’ with Primary Key as ‘EmpID’ and Sort Key as ‘EmpName’.
  • Please see the snapshot below. 

Once the above steps are ready

  • Drag and drop the generated salary data files in the S3 bucket.
  • Check if another .psv files is also generated
  • Check the DynamoDB tablea to see if your salary data is sucessfully written.
  • Please see the snapshot below.